
When did my parents' house cease to feel like home?

Is it like silver on a 25th anniversary?

"When you turn 23 you can expect to no longer feel at home in the house you grew up in."

When does your parents' advice become an opinion and not weighty on your conscience like God's Ten Commandments?

When did my mother's affection no longer alleviate my loneliness?
Maybe if my memories hung in the rooms like unchangeable decorations they would stay there longer.


Okay, so I felt the need to edit this post, or at least add a disclaimer. At first I had on here that I no longer listened to my parents' advice about big things like health and finances. The other day I got SUPER sick and ran into some financial problems ALL IN THE SAME DAY. It was quite overwhelming and all I could think about was this post and I was like aaah crap, that's what I get for being a bratty nose-up-in-the-air mid twenty something kid. So naturally I called my Mom and my Pops and was like like "ahh, help me." But mostly I needed just somebody

Then I watched "The Namesake" (WATCH IT!! - so good) and main themes in that movie are respect for parents and familial love.

Ani DiFranco once said at a concert at Carnegie Hall in 2002:
"So, everyone who grew up in a f***ed up family, which I assume is most of us. Do you find yourself being deeply suspicious of happy families? Does that just creep you out? Happy families with nicely manicured bushes? I got such an attitude about well-adjusted families who choose to come together and experience each other cause its nice."

Well I'm not well adjusted and yeah my family's got issues (please inform me if your family does not with directions of how the heck that happened) but damn I love them. So even though there's a whole lot of hurt involved, heck yeah I choose to come together with them and experience them. That's love. And even though I don't feel at home anymore in my parents' house there's a new relationship unfolding with them that I never would have expected. And different isn't always worse and it's not always better, sometimes it's just different. 

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