Yoga, baby

Hey guys and gals. Hope this Sunday is a great one. It's all rainy here. It's good though, the colors are all poppin out cuz spring's a'comin!

Thought I'd start this blog post off with a little bit of poetry. Walt Whitman is one of my favorite poets. He's so tender and strong and his poetry has the voice of nature.

This is an excerpt from his poem "Pioneers! O Pioneers!" When I read it I thought of a concept I learned from a book (I can't take credit for this little gem). I don't remember the title of the book, but I do remember there was a sea-shell as the cover art. Anyways, it said that everyone is a pioneer in their own life. No one has ever partaken in the journey we each venture on. We all have our own journey to tread and it's different and difficult in ways that are unique from others. Of course there are overlapping things, but we're all different people with different strengths and capabilities. No one can really know what the best decision is for you or me, we've all got to figure it out on our own. That makes things scary. That makes things fun and it makes things beautiful.

Mmmmmmmm deep thoughts.

Now Whitman!

"We primeval forests felling,
We the rivers stemming, vexing we and
piercing deep the mines within,
We the surface broad surveying, we the
virgin soil upheaving,
Pioneers! O pioneers!"

Now, the title of this post is "yoga, baby" and you're probably wondering whyyyy is it labeled yoga baby when she's talking about Walt Whitman? The answer: no idea. I will talk about yoga though, right now actually.

Yoga! I've been doing yoga for a couple of months now. I got stressed out at the end of last semester and so I picked it up. I'm not a huge go to the gym type gal. I really like to weight lift but it gets kind of boring doing it on your own. Anyways, yoga has been my little savior. It's so easy to pick up and fun to do. I've learned a lot of poses from going to classes and watching videos on Youtube. I've gotten sweaty and sore, so you know it's good and workin.

I recently found this little lady on Youtube:

I've been doing this in the morning now and it's fantastic. When I learn the routine entirely without Tara's help I think I'll do it a bit slower, though. Longer breaths in between and what not.

Here's another one that I have yet to try:

I'm excited about trying it. It'll most likely bust my buns but I'm ready. Bring it Tara Stiles! Not really though, I have a feeling she has a lot tougher stuff up her sleeve...

So basically I just wanted to share the great videos that get me all ready to go in the morning.

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